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The original season of Still Awake Still! was produced by Jump Leads, and premiered triumphantly at Arts Centre Melbourne in 2011. The 2014 tours to the USA and around Australia were realised through a special collaboration between Jump Leads and Jessica Wilson. Still Awake Still! is now owned and managed by Jump Leads Productions. For information about bookings and tours contact Rosalind Price. 




Jump Leads Productions is the production arm of Swingbridge Arts, a non-profit company of creative producers. Swingbridge activities range from seeding ideas and providing support for independent artists, to producing and touring new works. Our interests cover writing, music, theatre, film and the visual arts, with a focus on projects that break new ground, nurture talent, and foster interesting collaborations. We develop performance works under the name Jump Leads Productions.

Jessica Wilson is an independent writer, director and producer.







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